Make a House a Home

People joke about the end game for Wildstar starting at level 14, which is when you unlock your floaty housing plot in the sky. It’s funny, because it’s almost completely true. I’ve joked about it on Twitter,  but in all honesty, most if not all of my money goes towards my house. It was slightly more difficult than it should have been for me to save up money for my mount, which you can get at level 15. I am definitely NOT complaining about this, by the by; it is an addition that a lot of people love, even if they won’t admit it. It gives creative outlet, and I can see it being a very zen thing to do, especially for raiders.  Rough night? Too many wipes or mistakes? Go rearrange some trees, yo.

One of the features I am very much looking forward to in Warlords is the Garrison feature. If anything, playing Wildstar, creating my (albeit simple, when you see what else is out there) house, my space, has made me quite excited! I know that Garrisons won’t be nearly as customizable as the housing plots, but the feature of doing SOMETHING other than group PvE or PvP content, something other than dailies, something other than grinding professions, something OTHER than sitting AFK tabbed out in a capital city, gives me great joy and makes me very optimistic!

WoW is very much in a dry spell, I’m feeling it greatly the more that time goes by. I’m more than likely at this point switching servers, but all of the people in that guild I’m switching to are in Wildstar at the moment, and we’re all having way too much fun there, or have let subs lapse, to play much in Azeroth. Which is okay.

It is okay to like more than one game at once, shocking revelation, I know. Yeah, bold and italics.That’s right.

Not only is housing in Wildstar a good creative thing, as I mentioned above, but it is fun as all hell, much like most other things in that game! When I kill a mob, or complete a challenge, I don’t know if I’m going to get crafting materials, gear to drop, or a tent.  I can right click the tent, chair, lamp, FAB Kit (basically a blueprint for a unique building you can place on your house), whatever in my inventory, send it to a crate that holds all my goodies, then teleport over to my housing plot and maniacally cackle as my killer space squirrel sets up a triangular brown tent over a giant purple dinosaur plushie (seen below). It’s totally normal.


Here you can see there are defined places for you to set things, but anything other than that you are free to move around as you see fit!



Here’s an interior shot, needs some work, but I like the color scheme!





Aforementioned plushie with tent!



Here you can see the simple mode for resizing, moving, and rotating items.


I’ve kept this one short and sweet. My WoW-related posts might slow down as I mention other games I play and enjoy, but closer to WoD launch I will definitely get back into WoW with a vengeance! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Hey Look! A Wildstar Blog Post!

I apologize in advance for the following: Well not the picture, what’s after it!




I’ve got a fever. And the only prescription is more Yellowbell.


Okay. I got that out of my system. Please don’t kill me. There will only be a few more like that. *evil laughter*

 Now then.. Like most everyone else, I am playing the Wildstar head start that began in the wee hours of Saturday morning. And like most everyone else, I am enjoying the hell out of it. What keeps going through my mind, and what I keep coming back to as I’m playing it, is just how much fun it is!

 The story is great, it’s a fun premise, here’s this new planet, quick go colonize it! Oh wait, the guys we’ve been fighting this whole way are here too? Welp *loads pistols* (That’s a super short version of it, I am keenly aware)

The game play is exciting and engaging, it’s been a long while since I’ve been grinning as I frolic about, defeating these new creatures, meeting new (native) friends, making new (native) enemies. I like the telegraph system, where it shows you an outline of where your abilities are going to hit, and where to not stand when the enemy is attacking you. I chose spellslinger, the same class I played for the majority of the beta weekends I was invited to, and it’s so fun. I’m going to keep saying that word, so just bear with me! I want to try healing with her at some point, but for now I’m enjoying dual wielding pistols and pew-pew-ing FAR TOO MUCH to deviate from it quite yet!  It’s a very mobile class, I’m level 11, only got to 14 in the beta, so I’m reaching the end of my knowledge as far as the spells and abilities go until I surpass that level. 

The path I chose is Explorer- which mainly comprises of me plummeting off high places. It is gleefully dangerous.  The path has you explore the world, obviously, unlocking every nook, cranny, and cliff in each zone. You can go on treasure hunts, stake claims ( if there is a player with another path standing nearby, they get a little bonus item), and just see all there is to see.  Other options are Soldier (did nothing with this in Beta, so I have nothing), Scientist (scan stuff, didn’t do a lot with this, had a level 3-4 character), and Settler (these are the guys that everyone loves, they can create little buff stations by collecting things scattered around the area, as well as other goodies, throughout the zone).

I’m on a (RP-PvE) server with a couple friends, and I am making a lot of new ones. I’ve grouped up with random people to complete group quests, had random heals thrown at me, have thrown out random heals. Zone chat is full of the normal fresh baby MMO chatter, trolls trying to establish themselves as trolls, the RP-ers RP-ing, and people asking the same question multiple times in a row ^.^ But there is a good sense of community already, people seem far more helpful than in other games I’ve played, and there is a good sense of everyone enjoying themselves immensely!

I’m not going to compare this game to WoW. I’m sure that’s being done elsewhere, and I just don’t want to do that. They’re both MMORPG’s, have their similarities, and their differences. I’m still going to be playing WoW, but for right now, the new and shiny is new and shiny, and I am going to be frolicking in Nexus (not the dungeon, that’s what they call- oh never mind) for a bit!

 I’ll bring this to a close, with a couple more screenshots, by just saying again how much fun I am having. Little details, as well as big obvious ones, like the mini rock concert that happens when you level up, the taxi ‘drivers’ being amazingly hilarious, and the Lolli-lopp quest, make this game shine.



Obligatory tea party picture


“My programmer said I’d never amount to anything. Who’s laughing now, Ma?”

 I will most likely definitely be writing more about this in the future, so stay tuned! 
